
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mother's Day Mayhem! Chocolates,Flowers?

Ok for me Mother's Day is sort of a mayhem! What do you get for a mom that has everything?

I can tell you....she does love her chocolate and loves flowers. So I guess that narrows it down a bit. So narrowing it down will be my choice! They have organic Truffles,Organic Treat Tower, Fruit Fantastic,Spa Gifts,Bath Robes,Love You Mom Cookies!

This company is eco-friendly all their blooms are sustainably grown and they are Certified Organic. They ship only the best eco-friendly flowers fresh from the farm.

Ok, get your order in before your racing around creating a Mother's Day mayhem! Go ahead and get her some beautiful Organic flowers and chocolates!

Ok,my boys are you reading this?

Chocolate and Flowers!

Love ya! Mom

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lawnmowing? Who's gonna do it?

WORX Green Movement

It's Earthday today!

Are you going to be out in your yard?

You going to plant a tree or do something for the environment today?

My yard needs some help! I put some fertilizer on it a couple of weeks ago and then mowed it yesterday. But it sure could use a trimming/edgeing. I haven't edged along my sidewalk for at least a year!

I could get him to do the work? Push the lawnmower use the trimmer/edger?

I heard a survey earlier in the week about how many couples fight about doing yard work!
25% of couples fight over doing yard work. Do you and your significant other fight over who's going to mow?

Oh that reminds me of a great t-shirt I saw. "I fought the Lawn and the lawn won!"

If you are needed a new lawnmower or trimmer/edger to get him to do the work, you might want to give this company who has eco-friendly products,who have cutting edge designs and very user friendly WorxAIR 18V Cordless Blower and Sweeper - You Save: $50 Popular Mechanics awarded them in 2006 Editor's Choice Awards! Just click on the beautiful picture above!

Well if your lawnmower or other accessories need to be replaced give them a try! They have the best innovative products for yard maintenance. Their products are high-quality,my favorite..environmentally friendly and they are recognized as the most ergonomic tools in the market today!

Do you already use there tools? Do you have your wife or significant other mow your lawn, with that old lawnmower or do the trimming/edging?

God Bless!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth day April 22nd! Do you have stinky flowers?

Do you have stinky flowers? Is your life stinky? Oh, no way! Look around you at this time of the year. Take a look at those flowers outside, take a short drive and check out the flowers in peoples yards. Is that color fantastic or what!

"Sierra Club"

Oh I went by that lavender bush I planted last year...oh what fragrance, what about those lilacs someone else planted for me to enjoy? They are also beautiful.

Earth day is coming on April 22nd, how about planting a new plant? I must have planted at least 10 new pots of flowers. I love the hummingbirds and the red cardinals. They love those flowers too. I feed the cardinals, finches, hummingbirds and anything that God sends my gets feed. Are you hungry?

Let life feed you with it's beauty. Flowers stinky...dandelions are...let's get rid of them and just grow roses. Did I tell you I planted two rose bushes today? Yep...a peace rose and a beautiful red rose. Now life is not stinky is it. Does planting things make you happy or is it just me?

This time of the year is a excellent time to start that garden or plant flowers. Even my green hosta's which I didn't think was going to make it because of the snow, they just popped there little heads up and are very nice and green. This may be a way of lifting your spirit. If you are not feeling down, then just think what we can do for earth day and our environment. Planting these plants will create more carbon for us to breathe!

Don't leave me your comments below!

Just go out and create a great day for our earth, do something for yourself for a change! You know I heard that saying,find beauty in things and beauty will surround you!

Plant a flower that will make your heart happy and put a smile on your face!

God Bless!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holland tulip bulbs,daffodils,crocuses..Flowers for Spring!

Don't you just love the extra color those flowers bring to your yard this time of the year?

My oh my" those daffodils,crocus,and tulips are showing there colors which make my heart so happy!

The thing that I find wonderful about tulips, daffodils ,crocus and roses is you plant them once and they live happily ever after!

Thought I would share this tip with you about my daffodils, when they are done blooming, I fold them over, put a rubberband around them, which sends the nutrients back to the bulbs, which generates more bulbs for next year!

Now, my rose bushes....fragrant aroma...oh yeah! I have purple (actually called blue boy) I call it purple, peace roses,red roses, and orange! Don't you just love it when you cut some and put them on your table to share with the rest of the family? I love to share with my friends, the more you cut the flowers, the happier they are.

A tip to share about the rose bushes! I put old dawn dishwashing soap on them. It keeps the aiphids off. Yep and if you have orange or lemon peels or coffee grounds they love all that. It helps with the acidicity both from the orange and lemon peels as well as the coffee grounds. I don't think the caffeine bothers them, they seem to sleep just fine at night.

I might be a little lazy....I really love the plants you put in the ground one time and the next year here they come again! Kind of like that song, here you come again.

Hope you enjoyed! God Bless! check this out if you want to see my photo's of my yard!

Oh ...ok..I will share one picture with you! Come on over and check the other pictures out!
See the picture to your right?
thought you might like to see my holland tulips I took pictures of today!

You might also want to check out Lowe's, I don't know if you know this but they offer 100% money back if your plant doesn't make it through the year. I have used this program that lowe's has, you might want to hang onto your receipt, but they will honor this program.
