
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hot New Games. Tron,Kinect Sports,Kinect Joy Ride,Killzone 3

                                       CLICK ON ANY PICTURE TO ORDER!

Tron: evolution will be coming out December 7, 2010 you can order early and get yours shipped out,if you order early! These are the hot new games either coming out soon, or the Kinect Sports, or Kinect Joy Ride is already out!

If you haven't tried the Kinect games they are a blast!

If you have an XBOX -adding the Kinect and Kinect Sports really adds a great dimension to your video game experience. If you your or are older,and your like me and have trouble remembering what buttons to push on a remote--it doesn't get any easier than the Kinect.

This is great standing in front of your TV and the avatar on the screen is doing the same movements that you are. You can sway, move your arms and legs, and dance, and the avatar mimics it. This alone makes for good entertainment!
KillZone3 for the playstation will be coming out February 22nd, you can also pre-order this item.
Now if your looking for that system:  (Click on any picture will take you right there!)

Product Features:
* Jump, dodge, and kick your way through exciting adventures set in a variety of exotic locations with Kinect Adventures

* Xbox 360 console includes built-in Wi-Fi for easy connection to Xbox LIVE, and comes with matching black controller and headset

* Get off the couch and into the game by using your body as the controller with Kinect

* Control your Xbox 360 with a single gesture or wave of the hand

* Connect with friends and family with easy and interactive gameplay, video chat, and more

Leave me a comment if you are looking for a game or need help with a gaming console and want to know which one works the best.  I will give you a review on them, so you can pick easier.

God Bless!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Video Game Hotlist

Click Here!
Buy this guide and use it for a full 60 days - if you follow the guide and it does not do what I claim, then at any time during those 60 days I will give you your money back - no questions asked!

Once your credit card is approved, you will be able to download the e-book immediately, and start putting this system to work to make yourself loads of cash.

This sells for $37.00. 60 day money back guarantee.
Here it is... In Plain & Simple English... I am about to hand you a great opportunity on a silver platter. If you understand how wholesale supply works, then you will realize that today is your lucky day

Click Here!

Here's What I'm Offering You Today

  1. One Copy of Video Games Hot List, The only wholesale list you will ever need

    2.   Complete List of Wholesale Connections, I'm Holding Nothing Back

    3.   Complete step-by-step instructions on How to Deal with Suppliers

    4.   Complete step-by-step instructions on How to Market Your Video Games and Your Business

Attention Money Makers: An Easy Way To Make Serious Money Online!

Claim your copy of Video Game Hot List today. Click the link above!
That's all. No bogus bonuses. No empty promises. Just the contacts and information you need to succeed.

Again, Click the link above!  Thank you!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bouquets for the Occasion!

With Halloween just around the corner, I thought I would give you some ideas about Bouquets for the Occasion.
I checked a few sites to give you some ideas.
For Candy Bouquets,Chocolate Bouquets, Candy Gift Baskets, check out
Also another bouquet place, here fairly local is The French Bouquet in Tulsa, they are great wedding and event planners with the florist added in. Check there website out: for that special occasion.

Just Fake It Bouquets is for those who would prefer to keep the flowers year round! They make flowers look very real. Check there website out: for your keepsakes.

Now for the Eco-friendly person, check out http:// they carry earth friendly flowers and wreaths for that special occasion and also gourmet gifts.

Leave me a note or comment if this has been helpful!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

USA Foreclosures what a Mess! What ya going to do?

My House!
As I write this, I struggled with this topic " USA Foreclosures what a Mess! Yes I said what a mess, what ya going to do?

As I  see it we are at the mercy of just about everyone who we are personally paying bills too!  They have increased their rates, our paychecks hasn't gotten bigger. But they want more for our utilities and everything has gone up.

A lot of my close relatives has lost there homes to foreclosure, because they are peddling as fast as they can to keep up.   The USA Foreclosure system is not working for individuals.  You try that Obama plan, I have! Gotten plenty of emails from Attorneys, if I could afford an attorney..I could afford my house payment.  Does that make sense to you?  Pay an attorney or pay my house payment.  Ok...I'll pay my house payment. Makes sense to me.

As a single parent, my income alone doesn't stand up for refinancing. I sent my home lender all the paperwork to try and get it put in my name and that didn't work, I sent them an additional $500.00 + some dollars to try and get the loan put in my name alone (yep I'm divorced). Tried to get his name off of it as he requested, that didn't work.

Don't make enough money to get the loan put in my name, even though I'm still making the payments.  Ok, attorneys if your reading this, just be Income does not justify a New Loan.  

One of my fellow workers was telling me she is trying to sell her home before it goes into foreclosure.  I've had my house on the market for a year! Trying to get his name off of this home is not easy.  What is the solution? You tell me!  This USA Foreclosure is a mess. What are you doing?

I am going to try and put a picture of my house on this case you need a vacation home. Ok, I added a picture. That is my home going for only $394,900.

Do you think that the USA is a Foreclosure Mess? Tell me what you think? Don't tell me to refinance, or hire a Attorney (not working).  What are you going to do?

How to Foreclose on Your home!

While reading through a few articles about what you can do, I thought I would give you some heads up on what you can do to foreclose on your home.

My mother went through this, she is 78 and every bit of her retirement went towards her house payment.  I hope she does live for the next 30 years, but I can't see her working to pay her mortgage  for the rest of her life when she needs to buy food.   Retirement does mean a little rest doesn't it?   I know that everyone doesn't go by that, but my mom has always worked hard all her life and is still willing to do so (even at her young age)!

We had talked about her situation, which her retirement checks just covered her house payment.  She called her lender (which was her bank) she told them that she wanted to foreclose.  They informed her that she wasn't behind in her house payment.  She knew this! You have to admire the people who are very conscientious about making there payments.  She tried working with them, letting them know she no longer
wanted to be a home owner.

They essentially ignored her, and figured she would continue to make the payments.  I advised her that this would hurt her credit.  At 78, credit may not be a issue, but then again you should care about what affect this may have.  After missing the first payment (I think in her whole life)! The bank started calling, they acted like they had never been told?  She had already given them a heads up.  Thie information must have by passed the person she spoke with because the next 100 or so calls they didn't seem to get the message.  They wanted her to make a payment.

Now what I find incredible is the lack of cooperation, if this is your business, would you be happy to work with anyone and take a $10.00 payment in good faith? Well, they kind of as I noticed went into this frenzy kind of state.  But after three months of not making a house payment, they took her serious and began the foreclosure process.

We had started way before this process by the banks for her to find a place to rent, whereby at that time her credit was not affected.  We got her home cleared out and her moved to a new location.  Now this is how we did her forclosure on her home, your's maybe a bit different.

Make sure that you know that if your credit is affected you may not most likely  be able to buy another home right away, this will show up on your credit report.  If you have credit cards or loans out that you are up to date on this will help your credit rating even if you are in foreclosure.  If everything is behind, you know what that means your credit rating will really be affected.

Life is short, Foreclosing on your home sometimes when you are in a situation that seems impossible, is the way to go.  Please check out other options if possible!  If not, here is some consequences you may not be aware of:

     1. Effect of Credit Rating, this can take seven years to get your credit score back in line.

     2. Tax Penalties, sometimes there is a tax penalty that goes along with your foreclosure.
          Example: if the house sells for less than the amount owed, the IRS looks at this as the
          difference between the amount you owed and the amount the house sold for.

I am just putting these out there, you can seek advice from an Attorney, which is what I did, or
if you think you may be accountable for some tax penalties, see your tax person.  If you are able to
refinance which is what I would love to do on my house....see previous blog, then try your options.

I think that with 175,000 people foreclosing a month, we need all the help we can get.  You use to in the old days look on this as a shame.  But nowadays Foreclosure on your Home may be the only way to save your family.  With unemployment being so high, people not able to find jobs, utility companies raising their prices, gas for our vehicles going up.  You kind of wonder when it will all peak and someone will start to holler very loudly so that we all can hear....Can We Make It!

Ok, on the positive note, sometimes we fall behind and we can catch up.  Isn't it great to have those people who can understand where you are at the moment.  You know some of these tough times are just temporary,
as they say "This too shall pass".  Hopefully you will come across those who will treat you like a person, and not like your a animal in a cage.

Think ahead of what may affect you down the line and prepare a head of time, like where will you be tomorrow if you can't rent or own another home due to credit?

What I want to hear from you is if this is effecting you? What are you experiencing?  Are you finding help from your Lender? Did you try the Obama plan and  did it work for you?  You can see my blog before this where I tried a few of these.  Read the blog previous to this to find out what worked.

Leave me a comment if this has been any help to you at all, or not at all.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How's your feet? Tired?

You know as well as I do that a Shoe can make your day or break your day! I just bought myself two more pairs of Crocs! I got a Maroon colored one and a Orange colored pair of shoes!  If your feet are feeling tired, you might want to try a pair! How's your feet anyway? Are they wide, like mine? I tell you one thing that these Crocs are great if you have wide feet, even if you don't have wide feet, you will find they are the most comfortable around!

If you are on your feet for any length of time, or your legs get tired, or your beep bopping around in those heels, to rest your feet switch at lunch time to a pair of shoes that will let your legs and feet rest.  I have found just a short amount of time out of those heels to a comfortable pair of shoes will make your feet and legs happy! Taking a walk in comfortable shoes at lunch has always helped my legs feel more relaxed and thereby making the afternoon a more enjoyable experience for everyone!

How's your feet? Tired? Do you want an attitude adjustment? You know what they say, when momma's happy everybodies happy. Start your day or week off with a smile and try a comfortable pair of shoes!

Crocs, Inc.

Let me know what you think? Do you own a pair of croc's? How do you like them?

Give me a shout out and let me know!

God Bless!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gardening supplies for your Garden, Tomoto's,Flower Bulbs,Flowers

Yesterday we talked about the wonders of using the right tools to get the job done. Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about what we are going to put into that garden. Flower Bulbs, onions, tomoto's,bell peppers,jalepeno's or just putting in a flower garden.

What type of garden are you planting? I usually plant a little of both! Only because if you have read any of my previous blogs you would know that I love flowers! I always even if the season doesn't turn out to be what I thought it would be, plant tomoto's. Nothing taste better than a homegrown tomoto, i think it's the dirt taste. What do you think about the taste of those tomoto's in the store? Not very much flavor, give me a home grown one any ole day ..keeps ya wanting to come back for more. I plant the Beef Steak tomoto's and usually one cherry tomoto plant.

I have a inground swimming pool in my back yard and living in the midwest it can still stay hot at night. I have planting areas by the side, far enough away so that the tomoto's don't fall into the pool. The point I am trying to make is the humidity from the pool and the inground watering hoses make these tomoto's a delicous treat. I haven't tried the topsy turvey planters yet, have you? Do the tomoto's fall right on the ground and do they work good for you? I guess I am older and set in my ways and enjoy the old fashioned way of planting plants.

Now as I have stated before I am a flower lover! I always plant petunia's every year.. They make me happy with all the colors that they come in. Plus the petunia's attrack hummingbirds! I also put up feeders for them, so they come back year after year. Ok back to the flowers, one of my favorite flowers to plant in Oregon was the Begonia's. They are a tuberous plant, planting them around March and watch them grow. Just FYI if you plant a Begonia only plant about 1 inch deep in the soil with the seed looking side up. Cover with dirt and water and in about two weeks you will see some sinking soil, don't despare that means soon your going to have some pretty leaves first, then the beautiful flowers. I love the Orange,Red,Yellow colors of those begonias.

If you are looking for some interesting ways to decorate your back yard you should check this out!
Check out Sun and
Let me know what your doing with your garden.

Happy Gardening and God Bless!


Garden Tools,the right tool for the Gardening job!

You know I told you in my last post how my dad was here from Oregon! Guess what we did? You guessed it yardwork. Well, most of you may not like gardening or yardwork, but I actually love it. I find that if I have the right garden tools I can turn a ugly duckly yard into a beautiful swan garden. Kind of makes me feel close to God playing in the dirt!

I hadn't really edged along my lawn and concrete pathways since I bought the house in 2006. So edging was really essential to making the lawn look professional. You would be surprised what a difference edging can make. That's why I am saying the proper garden tools for the job will make that gardening/yard much easier.

I did some shopping around, you see I have a home in Oregon already fully stocked with yard supplies. I have been slowly building up my yard supplies and garden tools back here in the big midwest. I have discovered that for different areas of this United States you can use some garden tools in some states and get away with it, and then on the other hand you might have to invest in something that works for the state that your in.

Let's take Edger's in Oregon a lightweight weedeater, can be used for a edger, because the soil is so different. Now here in Missouri, we are rock country. I was replacing the line on a lightweight weedeater every couple of inches...if I made it that far. Wasn't to happy with this situation as I was stopping, pulling on the line, pushing down, stopping get the picture! They are farily inexpensive these edgers/weedeaters. Works well if you don't use them as a edger in my opinion.

So I found a answer to my back ache, found a answer to not having to push down to get more line. Do I have your curiousity up yet? This Garden tool is also Eco-friendly! Runs on a 18 volt battery, not gas, not electricity(no cord to run over...I will have to tell you my lawnmower story some time about a cord I ran over). It's a 2 in 1 Trimmer/Edger. No sore back because the head of this puppy tilts 90%, the line automatically feeds. Did you read that the line automatically feeds! Cool huh! Weighs a whole whopping 7 lbs, has it's own built in wheels, has a 30 day no risk money back guarantee!

Try this product to save you money in the long run!

They have a payment plan of 3 payments of $33.33, plus a free lifetime of supply line! Ok every year for weedeating I always have to replace the line. Well now I don't have two because I get a free lifetime supply.

So bottom line here is if you want the job done right,for your garden or yard, always have the right tools for the job. If your husband wants to know how come you spent so much money on an edger/trimmer remind him of the right tools for gardening and yardwork will save on his pocketbook and back in the long run. See you on the green side!

P.S. Let me know how this worked out for you!

God Bless!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mother's Day Mayhem! Chocolates,Flowers?

Ok for me Mother's Day is sort of a mayhem! What do you get for a mom that has everything?

I can tell you....she does love her chocolate and loves flowers. So I guess that narrows it down a bit. So narrowing it down will be my choice! They have organic Truffles,Organic Treat Tower, Fruit Fantastic,Spa Gifts,Bath Robes,Love You Mom Cookies!

This company is eco-friendly all their blooms are sustainably grown and they are Certified Organic. They ship only the best eco-friendly flowers fresh from the farm.

Ok, get your order in before your racing around creating a Mother's Day mayhem! Go ahead and get her some beautiful Organic flowers and chocolates!

Ok,my boys are you reading this?

Chocolate and Flowers!

Love ya! Mom

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lawnmowing? Who's gonna do it?

WORX Green Movement

It's Earthday today!

Are you going to be out in your yard?

You going to plant a tree or do something for the environment today?

My yard needs some help! I put some fertilizer on it a couple of weeks ago and then mowed it yesterday. But it sure could use a trimming/edgeing. I haven't edged along my sidewalk for at least a year!

I could get him to do the work? Push the lawnmower use the trimmer/edger?

I heard a survey earlier in the week about how many couples fight about doing yard work!
25% of couples fight over doing yard work. Do you and your significant other fight over who's going to mow?

Oh that reminds me of a great t-shirt I saw. "I fought the Lawn and the lawn won!"

If you are needed a new lawnmower or trimmer/edger to get him to do the work, you might want to give this company who has eco-friendly products,who have cutting edge designs and very user friendly WorxAIR 18V Cordless Blower and Sweeper - You Save: $50 Popular Mechanics awarded them in 2006 Editor's Choice Awards! Just click on the beautiful picture above!

Well if your lawnmower or other accessories need to be replaced give them a try! They have the best innovative products for yard maintenance. Their products are high-quality,my favorite..environmentally friendly and they are recognized as the most ergonomic tools in the market today!

Do you already use there tools? Do you have your wife or significant other mow your lawn, with that old lawnmower or do the trimming/edging?

God Bless!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth day April 22nd! Do you have stinky flowers?

Do you have stinky flowers? Is your life stinky? Oh, no way! Look around you at this time of the year. Take a look at those flowers outside, take a short drive and check out the flowers in peoples yards. Is that color fantastic or what!

"Sierra Club"

Oh I went by that lavender bush I planted last year...oh what fragrance, what about those lilacs someone else planted for me to enjoy? They are also beautiful.

Earth day is coming on April 22nd, how about planting a new plant? I must have planted at least 10 new pots of flowers. I love the hummingbirds and the red cardinals. They love those flowers too. I feed the cardinals, finches, hummingbirds and anything that God sends my gets feed. Are you hungry?

Let life feed you with it's beauty. Flowers stinky...dandelions are...let's get rid of them and just grow roses. Did I tell you I planted two rose bushes today? Yep...a peace rose and a beautiful red rose. Now life is not stinky is it. Does planting things make you happy or is it just me?

This time of the year is a excellent time to start that garden or plant flowers. Even my green hosta's which I didn't think was going to make it because of the snow, they just popped there little heads up and are very nice and green. This may be a way of lifting your spirit. If you are not feeling down, then just think what we can do for earth day and our environment. Planting these plants will create more carbon for us to breathe!

Don't leave me your comments below!

Just go out and create a great day for our earth, do something for yourself for a change! You know I heard that saying,find beauty in things and beauty will surround you!

Plant a flower that will make your heart happy and put a smile on your face!

God Bless!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holland tulip bulbs,daffodils,crocuses..Flowers for Spring!

Don't you just love the extra color those flowers bring to your yard this time of the year?

My oh my" those daffodils,crocus,and tulips are showing there colors which make my heart so happy!

The thing that I find wonderful about tulips, daffodils ,crocus and roses is you plant them once and they live happily ever after!

Thought I would share this tip with you about my daffodils, when they are done blooming, I fold them over, put a rubberband around them, which sends the nutrients back to the bulbs, which generates more bulbs for next year!

Now, my rose bushes....fragrant aroma...oh yeah! I have purple (actually called blue boy) I call it purple, peace roses,red roses, and orange! Don't you just love it when you cut some and put them on your table to share with the rest of the family? I love to share with my friends, the more you cut the flowers, the happier they are.

A tip to share about the rose bushes! I put old dawn dishwashing soap on them. It keeps the aiphids off. Yep and if you have orange or lemon peels or coffee grounds they love all that. It helps with the acidicity both from the orange and lemon peels as well as the coffee grounds. I don't think the caffeine bothers them, they seem to sleep just fine at night.

I might be a little lazy....I really love the plants you put in the ground one time and the next year here they come again! Kind of like that song, here you come again.

Hope you enjoyed! God Bless! check this out if you want to see my photo's of my yard!

Oh ...ok..I will share one picture with you! Come on over and check the other pictures out!
See the picture to your right?
thought you might like to see my holland tulips I took pictures of today!

You might also want to check out Lowe's, I don't know if you know this but they offer 100% money back if your plant doesn't make it through the year. I have used this program that lowe's has, you might want to hang onto your receipt, but they will honor this program.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Perry the Polar Bear Goes Green? Check this out!

Olive O'Brien lives in Cork, Ireland and she writes children's books. She set up Silver Angel Publishing. The eco-friendly books teaches children about effects of global warming and is made from 100% recycled materials.

This book is about Perry, a brave polar bear cub that goes on a mission to save other polar bears and their homes. Along the way he meets a killer whale, a family of seals and the king of the polar bears.

To read more about Perry and Polar Bears going green, check out my friends website I met the author through one of the groups I belong to in LinkedIn, Green Professionals.

Give this book to a child to make them aware of our environment. Start them on the right path to careing about our earth!

God Bless!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Earth Day is fast approaching! What are you doing?

With Earth Day fast approaching, I am wondering what you are doing? What are you going to do for Earth Day? Are you going to plant a tree, or a plant, bulbs,use a spreader for revitalizing that lawn?

My lawn will need some help! I had some tulips, daffodils and crocus coming up and they were starting to bloom. We had one day last week that was 72 degrees and then the next day it froze and now we have snow! You know that just isn't right is it. With Earth Day fast approaching, I'm thinking if they didn't make it...I will just have to plant some more. Do you enjoy the flowers at this time of the year? I sure enjoy spring as it makes me feel fresh and new and I always enjoy the colors that this world has to offer! Hope your enjoying your spring! Will love to hear from you as to what is going on in your world! What are you doing?

God Bless!
